Annual Reports

Our Annual Report is a testimony to the impactful work our clients are doing through us and the positive changes we are making together across Western New York with our valued partners – the good we are doing on behalf of our clients. We invite you to take a look at our most recent annual reports and financial statement. Click below to view.

Read our 2023 Annual Report

Read our 2022 Annual Report

Read our 2021 Annual Report

Read our 2020 Annual Report

Read our 2019 Annual Report


Read our 2018 Centennial Showpiece Book

Financial Information

Tax Exempt Status

The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo is a tax-exempt public charity.

Audited Financial Statements

The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo’s Audit Committee annually appoints an independent auditor to conduct an audit of the Foundation’s financial statements.

Please click here to see the Community Foundation’s most recent audited financial statement.

Form 990

You can view the Community Foundation’s Form 990 on Guidestar and it is available on the New York State Charities Bureau website.

The Foundation will make available for public inspection the last three years of its tax documents, including Internal Revenue Service Forms 990 and 990-T (if applicable), any audit, and its tax exempt letter. If the request for any of these documents is made in person, the requested documents will be provided on the day of the request if possible. If the request is in writing (including email), copies will be provided within 30 days of the request. The requester may be charged a reasonable fee for the cost of copying, plus storage.

Questions concerning the above financial documents should be addressed to Myra Lawrence, Vice President, Finance, at