Wyoming Foundation
Wyoming County is a place of fabled history and exceptional natural beauty. In addition to the countless visitors it hosts each year, it is home to more than 40,000 people.
To improve the lives of its residents, the Wyoming Foundation was created in 1976 by Dr. James MacCallum. Today, it continues to serve as a trusted partner to provide deep local knowledge and a vehicle through which individuals give to causes and organizations they care about. In addition to the work that the Wyoming Foundation does assisting generous individuals and families make a difference through their giving, each year it runs a competitive grants process where funding is distributed to support local nonprofit organizations.
In 2023, the Wyoming Foundation announced awards totaling more than $21,000 to six Wyoming County nonprofit organizations for its 2023 grant cycle. Grants were awarded to programs in Wyoming County with a preference for requests that either increase job readiness for youth or connect residents to the County’s arts and cultural gems. The awardees include: Arts Council for Wyoming County; Eagle Free Library; Perry Rotary Foundation/Perry Literacy Center; Shake on the Lake; WNY Rural Area Health Education Center; and Wyoming Free Circulating Library.
Additionally, a new strategic plan-—the first in a decade—will be rolled out in 2024. The plan will inform the work of the Wyoming Foundation, including its 2024 competitive grants process.
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Resources for Professional Advisors
Wyoming Foundation Council
Wyoming Foundation Council Officers
Scott Gardner
Chair, Warsaw
Eric Szucs
Vice Chair, Arcade
Jennifer Tyczka
Secretary/Treasurer, Cowlesville
Emily Conable
Margaret Dadd
Daryl McLaughlin
Jamie Pankow
Maria Walczak
For more information about the Wyoming Foundation, please contact Laura Dawidowicz at laurad@cfgb.org or (716) 852-2857 ext. 260.