Contact Us

We look forward to connecting with you. Here are a few ways you can reach our team:


Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
(Larkin at Exchange)
726 Exchange Street, Suite 525
Buffalo, NY 14210



You can park in the visitors lot on Exchange St. across from the Larkin Building. Parking is free for the first two hours.  We will validate parking any time after that. A detailed map can be viewed here.

Please click here to view parking and building access instructions for Larkin guests with physical disabilities.

Our Office

When you enter the Larkin building, come in through the door by the stoplight. Then, take the 1st or 4th elevator up to the fifth floor. Make a left u-turn when you come out of the elevator and you will see the Community Foundation sign at the end of the hallway on your right. Ring the doorbell and we will promptly let you in.