Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo Opens New Fisher Fund Competitive Grants Process for Organizations Serving Town of Clarence

Buffalo, N.Y. — The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo announced a new competitive grants process through the Daniel C. and Beatrice M. Fisher Fund to support 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in or serving those in Clarence, N.Y. Applications are due on September 23, 2022 at 4 p.m., and are available through this link:

Dr. Daniel C. Fisher and Beatrice M. Fisher were longtime residents of Clarence Center who married in the summer of 1925, the same year Dr. Fisher opened his medical practice in Clarence Center.  Some of his many medical career highlights included: playing a key role in securing a branch of Millard Fillmore Hospital in Amherst; serving as the first president of the Erie County Board of Health when the organization was established in 1947 and holding that role for 12 terms; and serving as president of the New York State Association of School Physicians and the Medical History Society of Western New York. He was on the staff of Sisters, Millard Fillmore, St. Francis and Lockport Memorial hospitals throughout his career before retiring in 1971.

Dr. and Mrs. Fisher both contributed time and resources to the social, professional and civic nonprofits of Western New York with a particular focus on the Town of Clarence, and chose to carry on their legacy of giving, after their lifetimes, through the Community Foundation.

Through their Will, the Fishers created the Daniel C. and Beatrice M. Fisher Fund at the Community Foundation.  As a result, funding will be distributed through a competitive grants cycle, open to nonprofit organizations located in or serving people in the Town of Clarence. The annual funding will support public educational, charitable, recreational, conservation, cultural, or benevolent uses and purposes as may benefit persons living in the Town of Clarence of the County of Erie.


While the Foundation is open to all funding requests, based on the donors’ instructions and a Town of Clarence needs assessment commissioned by the Community Foundation, preference will be given to requests that:

  • Address the needs of the senior citizen population
  • Improve the academic outcomes for special needs students
  • Address matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all residents resulting in positive change
  • Improve the natural environment, including matters of conservation and recreation


The timeline of the grant process is as follows:

  • Applications will be accepted online beginning August 22, 2022
  • Application deadline is September 23, 2022 at 4 p.m.
  • Funding decisions will be announced by mid-November 2022


Fisher Fund competitive grant requests will only be considered if they have been submitted electronically through the application website at




About the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo

For more than a century, the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo has enhanced and encouraged long-term philanthropy in the Western New York community. A 501 (c)(3) organization, the Community Foundation’s mission is: Connecting people, ideas and resources to improve lives in Western New York. Established in 1919, the Community Foundation has made the most of the generosity of individuals, families, foundations and organizations who entrust charitable assets to the Community Foundation’s care. Learn more at